
Upcoming Special Days

Deacons’ potluck and bingo- APril 28, 2024

The Deacons are hosting another potluck! This time featuring BINGO! Join in the fun and fellowship on April 28, 2024 after worship (so around 11:30 AM). There will be prizes for the bingo winners. And the food will be excellent - the church community knows how to throw an awesome meal together! There will be a sign-up sheet at the church to choose what type of food you’ll be bringing to feast on together.

Mother’s Day Worship - May 12, 2024

During the worship service on Mother’s Day 2024, the service will focus on mothers of all sorts: birth mothers, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, spiritual mothers, godmothers, grandmothers, those who dearly wish to be mothers. God cares for us with a mother’s love and Christ wants to protect his followers like a mother hen protects her chicks. Come and celebrate the love of God and of mothers!

Pentecost Sunday - may 19, 2024

Celebrate the birthday of the church around the world on Pentecost Sunday! The early church spread like wildfire after the day of Pentecost: when the Holy Spirit was sent to this world to be our connection to God and one another!

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